The Blessed Life Podcast
The Blessed Life Podcast
Episode Thirteen: Self-Care, more than just a buzz word
Episode Thirteen the creators explore the hot buzz word "self-care". They discuss the six categories of self-care:
They provide examples of how they practice self-care in their lives and the benefits of self-care they see in their lives. They also briefly discuss the consequences of when they do not practice self-care.
The creators goal for this episode is to inspire others to find ways to achieve self-care in a realistic and manageable manner. Remember self-care is about creating a happy space within yourself to maintain a healthy overall well-being where you can think, feel and behave your best. It is important to create a self-care plan and to shift your perspective about the tasks you are already doing that could be self-care.
Amanda shares her experience with Boho Beautiful, practicing yoga from their guided videos on YouTube and also shares the twins experience in Cosmic Kids Yoga. The creators also discuss the book Self-Care for Moms by Sara Robinson, MA which inspired them to create this episode.