The Blessed Life Podcast
The Blessed Life Podcast
Episode Twenty: Adam Boyd "Bet on yourself"
In this episode we have the honor of being joined by Adam Boyd of There and Back Films, and the producer of The Coffee and Bullshit Podcast with Travis Hinman.
We talk about drive and passion and driving things like a Lamborghini, building our creativity through YouTube and music, this stuff takes work.
Adam shares a little about his journey of weight loss and how that created his career in videography... right. We also share our experience of having freedom in our creation of the content of the podcast since there is no sponsorship.
He shares some of his experience with trail running, creating his mohawk with celery, his own unique way of therapy and having his work in film festivals. Oh yeah... and so much more including reaching full potential!
Update to the recording... Schools in Oregon are now closed to April 28th.
Don't forget to check out "Clean as Hell" by Young Jeffery who appeared on the Brooke and Jubal show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vybY1Ty9fus
You can find Adam Boyd here:
@thereandbackfilms @adamlboyd on Facebook and Instagram
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7zMpNGIZdtq81GmVJ5VYDw There and Back Films YouTube Channel
And the Coffee and Bullshit Podcast @ www.coffeeandbullshit.com
spk_1: 0:11
go! Go! Hey, everyone. Hi. Like, I'm your host, Amanda Olsen. And I'm here with my hot husband and a GN awesome guest for you guys. Um, Nate, you wanna say hello?
spk_2: 0:29
Hello. Hello. This is what would really listening to What are we doing? This is the blessed life podcast.
spk_1: 0:35
Yes, it iss. What are you talking about? Hello? I'm back. Where did you do on it? Do you want to record re recording? You want to stop this?
spk_2: 0:43
No, this is great way. Don't edit
spk_1: 0:46
shit. All right, Producer out of Producer Adam is here. He is our guest. We've been waiting patiently tohave him on. You know, you're a busy guy, and we totally are okay with that. We we were so grateful that you are here, and I'm feeding you doughnuts from the donut shop down the street. They're amazing as
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it is. A really.
spk_1: 1:12
It's a fucking amazing doughnut. They make some good. They're all They're only open, like, four days a week. So in places are only open four days a week, You know, they make some good shit. Yeah,
spk_2: 1:23
indeed. Where is this from?
spk_1: 1:25
Sensational sweets. Down the shop down the road.
spk_0: 1:28
I like the name.
spk_1: 1:29
Yeah, right. They make bread, they even have sandwiches. The lady's air in there. So friendly. Yeah, it's legal
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points. Kind of like, not the eagle point that I used to live in when I was a kid.
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You know,
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it's a whole lot cooler. Now
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the jam. And
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I feel like a up in this neighborhood you guys live in. It's on
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the nicer neighborhoods in the area.
spk_1: 1:51
Yeah, it's really tucked in here. You
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got a really awesome golf course across the street.
spk_2: 1:57
Yeah. Got an awesome view behind us.
spk_1: 1:59
Yeah. So Adam is gonna be talking about his amazing filming business that he's starting to know You're doing it. You're doing It is called It's called there and Back Films. You are producing a lot of good things. I will just let you take it from here. But first, before that,
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we need a safe word.
spk_1: 2:26
We d'oh! Oh, yeah. We use safe words on the show.
spk_0: 2:31
So safe word hasn't like if we get to a topic that I'm not comfortable,
spk_1: 2:34
that's exactly it gives you a now gives you no, um, compliments. But what? Pomp. Lemus. Pomp. Lemus,
spk_2: 2:45
remember that? What is that French for grapefruit.
spk_1: 2:49
Okay, we learned something new,
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and it's in the reason
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I looked at this. I looked at this scan
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of Lacroix and I have a flavor called compliments, and I was hoping it was compliments, but it's not.
spk_1: 3:00
Oh, I'm we're gonna look for it next time we're gonna have you back on for.
spk_2: 3:04
You know, that Lacroix also has the flavor Grapefruit, too.
spk_0: 3:09
Is it really just concrete proof?
spk_2: 3:10
I don't know. They have the flavor. Grapefruit.
spk_1: 3:13
Hey. Might also probably gonna have
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to actually check now and make sure I'm not wrong. I would have been wrong for a long, long
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time, which is well
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known to happen from
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20 bite at Costco. You get what? Like, uh, lemon lime grapefruit and cranberries or something like that.
spk_0: 3:35
Pompom uses Almost is also a band. That's really good.
spk_1: 3:38
Is that we're gonna have to look him up. I'm gonna have to write this down. Pomp. Lem moves.
spk_0: 3:42
It's a husband. Yeah, pumpkin mousse. Grapefruit. I wasn't wrong. I'm never wrong.
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spk_2: 3:48
never That's not true. So
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we walk.
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Moose is is the safe word.
spk_1: 3:52
Yes, and we also need to dio a Corona virus update because our original podcast that we recorded last night that was supposed to release first. Something happened to it,
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you know, weird and staticky. At 22 minutes.
spk_1: 4:05
It did. It's literally the Corona virus.
spk_2: 4:09
So you ready for the Corona virus update?
spk_1: 4:11
Yes, sir. Bobo General, please.
spk_2: 4:15
That was my my emergency
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alert. Breaking news? Yeah. There you go.
spk_2: 4:22
Eso Oregon schools have closed for two weeks until until I don't know when
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the 31st um, March.
spk_0: 4:33
I think they go back on the first. Yeah, which I don't which, honestly, I for see that being pushed out?
spk_2: 4:39
Well, yeah, because the 1st April Fool's Day.
spk_1: 4:41
Yeah. Just getting
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just getting Your kids aren't going back to school. And
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I am, I am. I have changed my thoughts on the Corona virus.
spk_1: 4:54
Have you? Yeah. You want to share? At
spk_0: 4:56
first, I was like, This is just like all the other things that come out scare us, and then they go away. Um, I don't know. I feel like this might be I think we've kind of been lulled into that. Like, Oh, it's just the swine flu. It'll pass. So we kind of like, don't take these things may be a serious was we should. And actually, this is the first time room. Like what
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kind of nervous right hell's going on me to? The stores are all empty, you
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know? And I don't know if maybe I'm playing into the like hysteria easiness of it all. But I don't know, I feel like this is just only the very beginning of it. And I feel like it's gonna be this way for probably a few months. The
spk_1: 5:35
heist, I would assume. Well, maybe not here, but in other parts of the country that are just now starting to, like, feel it because it here it's bad. In Seattle. Yeah.
spk_0: 5:48
Like, really bad in Seattle.
spk_2: 5:49
Yeah. We're going back up to Portland. A couple
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girls, I don't know. That might change Focus. They've already canceled that show. They think that's the
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other thing to like, I don't want to stop living life, you know, we can't stop living life, so it's like, where do we
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draw the line?
spk_0: 6:05
Now? When do you decide on this? Gonna sit in my house? Until they say it's note. Okay.
spk_1: 6:09
Yeah, but do you think traveling tow like almost the epicenter of where it all began here in the United States is really a safe thing.
spk_2: 6:16
But was that Seattle?
spk_1: 6:17
No, but it's close to Seattle.
spk_2: 6:20
Yeah, well, I think it was down in California where it all started. Oh, but anyhow, um, social distancing, Yes. So practice 3 to 6 feet,
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right? The kids are doing that at school. Yesterday they started, but yesterday but day before? Yeah. See, that's
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when my like little conspiracy theorist brain kicks in. And I'm like,
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four people put per table on, uh,
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the the girl's got the kindergarten class. All the kindergartners got to eat on the track class yesterday outside, just because they have to follow the 250 people are more rule, so they all can't be gathered in one. So they're staggering lunches even more
spk_2: 6:59
then 33 or six feet between people. So, like that in our office, we're practicing that were like, limiting the size of meetings that we have in certain rooms. And so, like in our board room, we could have four people in in our conference room. We're gonna have six people in in our development conference room. We could have two people in it. We've created Zoom meeting. So everybody zooming into meetings from their offices. Um, our group's hour for a social service agency. And we have groups with clients. I went into groups yesterday to make sure they're practicing social distancing on, and they're all need any in a circle. And I said, Right, everybody takes Scoot back three feet. Um, wash your hands with warm, soapy water for 30 seconds. We're using Happy Birthday.
spk_1: 7:47
Happy birthday. They you should be singing
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some hand sanitizer. Stay magical unicorn pedals. We
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got it all up in Portland.
spk_0: 8:01
Yeah, you had to travel. All you guys mentioned, you had to travel all the way to Portland.
spk_1: 8:05
Well, my friend wanted. We told her we were going to be looking for hand sanitizer for on her way because we were headed up to Portland.
spk_2: 8:12
Wipe your face too. With hand sanitizer wise, fresh touched. Just teasing, I
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think. Okay. I
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think it's governmental conditioning.
spk_2: 8:23
Sanitized beard. Adam. I did. Oh, Adam has a big beard. Do?
spk_1: 8:27
Yeah, we don't know when the the video portion of this will be released. He's He's like some plain brushing. It was
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like they say, like the more You stroke your period. The smarter you feel. It doesn't make you smarter to make you feel smarter.
spk_1: 8:43
You feel smarter? Have tried. It sounds, um so in May actually sent me an email yesterday about this this video of a Corona virus and we played it on the ever so last night they got fucked up. So we're gonna play today, and it's pretty.
spk_2: 9:06
Yes. Yeah. You know, good as hell. A song there. Um,
spk_1: 9:12
there's a radio show
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when I my colleagues sent this out to us to the emergency response team, which I'm part of. Bye. I have my work and done. She sent this out to us, and I thought it was really funny Is from Brooke and Jubal in the morning, Man, I'll get it pulled up here. So this guy essentially just does a parody of it.
spk_1: 9:34
And it's a great parody. Anything. You should let it play a little bit more than we did last night because it's pretty funny. Duma. I love this song Clean.
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His name's like little
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Jeffrey do my bidding His hands so squirted on the kissed is scrubbing bubble in smelling like a Citrus Go on and neutralize all the little germs and the parricide. Get that? Think of friction. Feels so nice, Girl. I never felt so Santa. Yeah, don't touch you Automatic. Yeah, so we'll put it link somewhere. That isn't the way
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we should just let it play as we
spk_1: 10:47
wait. Dude, that guy's hilarious.
spk_2: 10:53
I think it seems like little Jeffrey.
spk_1: 10:55
I would love to have him on the podcast, please. If everybody's share lists and maybe he'll listen and please come on. The podcast. When did
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when did rappers start putting Lil in front of their names?
spk_1: 11:06
When little John started doing a
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little John, Stephen said Little John, That's a character from Robin Hood. We're talking about little John.
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I think this guy's in young. No, his name's young, young Jeffrey Young Jeffries cleaners Hell,
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it's just a fancy way of saying little Jeffrey.
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young Jeffrey.
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Young Jeffrey Grow here and saying cleaners Hello for leaving. You know what I think would dip the stuff in my car? That's the past
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way to do a donut. Is the depth
spk_1: 11:42
I found something. Since we're talking about the Corona virus, would you like to touch my stretchy bananas? Right. Oh, whoa. it feels good as hell, doesn't it?
spk_2: 11:59
There's no motor in it. Yeah, it's like a library. I
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don't think that's gonna
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know that's not gonna work for that purpose.
spk_1: 12:06
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
spk_2: 12:11
Man is, like, already tried.
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I'm done with you. It's only stayed here on the table. I promise. Way can tell you about the top
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off. We, uh, found it at a store locally, and we're going to go back and buy the rest of them. Magic man.
spk_1: 12:36
No, not spots. No response. We are looking for sponsors.
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I will tell you what I told Travis.
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Yes, you're the master train us said I
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don't get We have to pace yourself. Pace yourself because these things take a long time to grow. And it's like, Yeah, we have people wanted to jump on board and help us out. But it's like
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send them our way.
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both. Like, don't get too far ahead, you know? And that's always kind of the challenge, because it's like we are so passionate about the things that we d'oh on. We want it to always be like in our minds. It's like we're going to make the greatest broadcast of all time. So you have to temper that excitement in that just drive and passion to make it as big as you can with a little bit of reality, where it's like, let's make sure this thing can walk before we can take it out and, like, really drive it like a Lamborghini, you know? And I think the biggest thing that I've had to learn is this. You have to be patient, like trying to grow a YouTube channel. I had a YouTube channel for That'll be two years, the start of April and it's like I don't even have, like, 400 subscribers. It's like, Yeah, I have videos that have over, you know, thousands of views. But it's like that doesn't mean I don't mean money,
spk_1: 14:17
Not me, because my kids are watching YouTube, but they're watching stupid shit like kids open up Toys or surprises were
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and we were talking about before we started recording was, um, my vlog. That's a full time job, but I don't I don't get paid for, you know. And so you and I look at it, too, is like being a musician and going through that whole, you know, like actually getting to a place where I got paid to play music in your home. It's music I played for free before I started making money. Doing it on. It's like for me with, like, my YouTube channel. I never set out to have this huge YouTube channel. I was just gonna share my story of weight loss through weight loss, surgery and everything that was kind of new. And that turned into a whole new kind of here. Little one.
spk_1: 15:09
Yeah, they're probably outside.
spk_0: 15:10
Um, I ended up getting people wanted me to make videos for them, and that's how I turned the whole YouTube channel. I actually get paid to do videos now. Not necessarily my own
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spk_0: 15:27
Um, but I think people like to have me come out like it's the races, especially that I've gone in film like they know that I'm gonna make my own videos while I'm there. So it's a chance that's just Maur more content for them to put out there. So it's almost kind of like an added value like, Oh, he's going to make a great race film for us. But he's also going to doom or kind of behind the scenes type stuff in, like share. Like my perspective.
spk_2: 15:53
Yeah, I like. I like the way said about the sponsors and taking it slow. You know, we've listened to like some podcasts are like bigger people's podcast, and it seems like they're all just commercials. And, yeah, you know, I like the fact that we don't have to do anything that we can not beholden. Anybody could just roll through it and have our own content and talk about the things we want talk about. Like if we have certain guests on, we conduct more professionally. And if we have other guests on, we can talk a little bit looser and not have toe.
spk_0: 16:27
And I feel to you that fresh face. That's kind of like we're in China. Toe get Travis to kind of be is, um, like, bring people on this is gonna sound bad. Maybe, but you want to have people on that have things going. You know, you want to have people on that, have something to talk about, something to promote, because that's gonna make them more apt to push your show that they were on. Yeah, and so that's where I think Travis is kind of really started to grow. The podcast is like we're having people on now that, you know people are familiar.
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Camp 17 being one of us.
spk_0: 17:14
Faras like local? Yes, how Kerner, Who's for me as like in Like I work and kind of live in the trail running world. That guy is one of like the most legendary trail runners ever, and he owns a running store in Ashland, you know? So it's like that is like a huge guests and then bringing his friend Bonnie on, Who's a rapper out of the Bay Area? You know, it's like and that's the thing about Travis is he knows so many, so many people, you know, and he's gonna he's gonna have. He's gonna have, like, a quick hit from his podcast of the beginning. Just because of that, you know, that's what he's done through being deejay Opie since he was 21 years old. You know, like I said, deejay Opie's a brand that's not necessarily Travis, but that's that's the brand, and that's, you know, he put so much time into that he can kind of fall back on that and, like, let that kind of like,
spk_1: 18:09
yeah, driver. It was really cool when we had him on because we got to Seymour of Travis and not in TJ, okay? And it was so cool. I mean, there's not many people get a lot of crossover because I've
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known you.
spk_0: 18:23
I've known him for a long, long time.
spk_1: 18:25
Yeah, probably longer than anybody here, Uh, in Medford. No, no,
spk_0: 18:33
no, no. But, I mean, we were roommates for a long time. Um I mean, I've watched my haircut this morning. Was Riley his son? And so I've seen Riley since he was a little boy. Yeah, he's a grown man with three kids.
spk_1: 18:49
Isn't it crazy? Because wild Travis and I were neighbors and yeah, so we used to live on Spring Street. So And it was, um, old house that they had remodeled. That's where I lived. And then they built a couple duplexes around it on the lot on he, um, had one of the duplexes. And Riley was probably seven ish, maybe. And so watching him grow up like you said now, with kids, is just so mind boggling. It's crazy. I was like
spk_0: 19:26
a barber and hairstylist for a long time. like I remember kids that you know would come in as little kids get a haircut, and then it's like 10 11 years on. They're like, I'm cutting their hair right before their wedding.
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spk_0: 19:43
you know. So it's like, it's really cool, like being in those kind of worlds where it's like you can watch people completely grow up.
spk_1: 19:53
Exactly. When I was working at Cascade Athletic, which is a huge locally owned for one of the four stores I worked there for almost six years. So I saw kids grow up. You know, a whole different agents percent. It's mind boggling, you know, Place still around? Yeah, that's where still family owned an operation and
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you would get all of our stuff.
spk_1: 20:15
Yeah, Every year. It's only real place to go. You get really good service.
spk_2: 20:19
Yeah, one of those big chain places where you go in and get lost in the store. Yeah,
spk_0: 20:25
well, I always felt like you could always get, like, the best help there.
spk_1: 20:28
Yeah, so? And it was interesting seeing these these, you know, high school athletes that would get drafted by these relations they drafted by colleges. But it's kind of what it is fine. And and then they get to go and play in the NFL. So where you get these big name kids in college from, like, ducks that will come down and buy their stuff? And so I got to see, I got to meet some of the people and, you know, I didn't really think two shits about it then because I could care less. But it's kind of cool now thinking, Yeah, it was really cool. I keep hitting shit, But anyway,
spk_2: 21:04
you always say, it's OK, We're loyal. Used to
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do those air, some savage looking nails.
spk_1: 21:09
I know. I was like, I gotta get them lowered a little. I know. Um, they're getting a little long. What's
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funny as I know your mom?
spk_1: 21:19
Yes. Do you d'oh
spk_0: 21:20
through one of the beauty supplies?
spk_1: 21:21
Yes. You know who's related to
spk_0: 21:24
the lady from? Think back then. It was Sally's. No, no, Mailliez. It was Mailliez that used to be male is not Salon. Said
spk_1: 21:33
Jim. Yeah, who's
spk_0: 21:34
related to the lady from Saw Hans?
spk_1: 21:36
And that's my
spk_0: 21:37
mom. I was like, I've known your mom for years.
spk_1: 21:39
Yeah. Yes. You know how many times that happened I'm sure you know, because before that, she worked at T. J. Maxx and everybody. I mean shop. They're growing up.
spk_2: 21:49
How long has your mom do your mom work? It's on Cedric. When did she start there? Do you remember what year was? It may lose when she started there. Yeah. I think I might have met your mom back in the day when I was doing here. Wait. What did you do? Hair where? Yeah, at Fagan's.
spk_1: 22:08
He went? Yeah. He went to see Oh,
spk_2: 22:10
will drop out
spk_1: 22:11
O e o beauty school. That's
spk_2: 22:18
zero. Whereas I Harris would like 2002. I think maybe if
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you're in before I waas.
spk_2: 22:23
Really? Yeah. I
spk_0: 22:25
was there 2006.
spk_1: 22:26
He had a Mohawk.
spk_2: 22:27
Had a big mall. We all did. Frankie, do you talk? Frankie remembers about
spk_1: 22:33
I had
spk_0: 22:35
a Mohawk for sure for sure. Had a mohawk. At one point, I had a big I had a big black mohawk with, like we, uh uh with Mr
spk_1: 22:44
Timmy around when you were There
spk_0: 22:45
s o. Mr. Timmy, um, he gave my ex wife and I We went to school together. Ah, he's like I wanted to do a black Mohawk Mohawk with bleached outsides and then leopard print on the sides. Hey, was like the best way to do that. It's celery. Think about the way.
spk_1: 23:04
Yeah, Pinterest. Find it. Oh, yeah. I
spk_0: 23:06
take it you just give it 1/4 turn to get a little bit more of a full
spk_1: 23:11
circle. And you have different size one.
spk_0: 23:14
So we were able to do, like the bigger black on the outside and then take a smaller one and do it with the brown somewhere. Maybe
spk_1: 23:23
I would love to see it.
spk_2: 23:24
So what? I
spk_0: 23:25
keep chatting over.
spk_1: 23:27
Oh, man, I love leopard print. You had me at Leopard Print Mohawk. I am a sucker for no, that's still
spk_2: 23:37
ever. What did you buy me? Those leopard print
spk_1: 23:41
I have no idea
spk_2: 23:42
was their shirt,
spk_1: 23:43
but it there's a certain type of leopard print. That's not I mean,
spk_2: 23:46
I can't just be any camping. Any leopard print can go trashy print. It can't be the cheap leather print.
spk_1: 23:51
No, it depends what it is. Um,
spk_2: 23:55
well, we have a story. Well, I kind of like a celebrity, like I don't like that one.
spk_1: 23:59
You want to mention any of your social media. Um, it's just in case anybody wants to reach out for anything.
spk_0: 24:07
Don't send me No, don't send me more work. Opportunity. I got too much.
spk_1: 24:11
What if it's like a big one? Like, high? Like
spk_0: 24:13
No, Yes. Uh, Instagram they're back films. Um, all spelled out and then Adam out. Boyd, it's my personal one. Ah, they're back films on YouTube. And then they're my films on Facebook. Well,
spk_1: 24:28
because you taught well. And not only that, but, um, just because you do talk a lot about your weight loss journey, I'm on it. I wouldn't I
spk_0: 24:39
wouldn't be doing. I mean, that's what started that one. That one choice is what kind of started all.
spk_2: 24:46
So how much weight loss have you lost? How much weight have you lost? That's right. We understand from,
spk_0: 24:52
uh, since my surgery two years ago, I've lost, uh, about £250. Um, from my highest known way, it's about, uh, maybe 3 15 3 20
spk_1: 25:09
Wow, that's used away just the way Almost
spk_0: 25:14
almost £600. And right now we're about to 50.
spk_2: 25:16
Wow, that's amazing.
spk_0: 25:17
Yeah, so and now it's like so for me like I get so excited about, like, even just kind of talking about this kind of stuff and, like, just kind of sharing my path into, like, being content creator used loosely. Um, if I wouldn't have had weight loss surgery, I wouldn't have. I wonder then I wouldn't have done any of that. Yeah, cause I wouldn't been. I wouldn't have been able to. And now it's like, t be able to say like I was I was at the finish line of Western States 100 which is like the biggest ultra marathon in the country. When Jim Walmsley broke his own record from the year before, he ran 100 miles, like 14 hours and nine minutes. Holy site. Funny because, like, I just I just passed this. That's him right there. That's me with my camera. That's run, you know, it's cool. It's like I would never I didn't even know Trail running was like that was a thing,
spk_1: 26:22
spk_0: 26:22
So I started making my videos, and, uh, my old youth pastor was like, Hey, I'm running a 50 mile race. Would you want to make a film about it? And I was like, Okay, sure. So I learned how to make trail running films in that race. And then I ended up getting hired by a race company to go to all the races and make promo films for them. And, uh, then that's just kind of
spk_2: 26:48
just took off from there.
spk_0: 26:49
Yeah, because that that initial film got into a film festival and I showed it to a friend of mine that I own and added agency here in town. And he hired me to be their editor because of that one running film.
spk_1: 27:01
Yeah, and it's and really cool.
spk_0: 27:05
And now it's like, No, I do know I do like commercial work for pretty big companies.
spk_1: 27:09
Yeah, locally, this'll just kind of So it's pretty cool. It's pretty cool to hear that, because something that became that started out as therapy for you. Yeah.
spk_0: 27:20
No, it really it was. It was just and I had I had no idea if people would watch, you know, um and it was just it really was a way for me to like, kind of just talk about all the things that I was feeling and all these changes and and just tried to be and Then at some point it became this thing where it's like, you know, like I want to like Bie rial on, Like Show What this is really like because it's not It's not been easy, you know, I went through a divorce last year, and that was not something I don't think Anyone that gets into a marriage is ever thinking. Well, we're going to get divorced. And you know, however long eso it like blindsided me and my ax and, uh, but through the whole thing, it's like I've changed so much in the last two years, not into a different person. And it wasn't until my birthday party when a friend of mine that I've known since we were teenagers, she looks at me and she's like the person that I see here is the person that I remember. And she pointed to one of my old pictures like, That's that person again, you know? So it's not like I became this whole new person. I just I'm so much closer to being like full potential, Adam, you know, and that's that's kind of what I have just held on to this whole times. It's like I'm on I'm on this journey to be me at full potential, and every day I'm just trying to get a little bit closer to that.
spk_2: 28:50
That's really cool.
spk_0: 28:51
And making silly YouTube video has been a big part of
spk_2: 28:54
it. And it's fun for you to, man. You know, I love you. Enjoy a pleasure out of it.
spk_1: 29:00
Your face lights up when you talk about it. I mean, even when you talk about people not like sending you more work but like he's still there, So Well, no, I
spk_0: 29:10
I'm I'm very lucky whether it's been for me playing music like Frankie does cutting hair and now getting paid to make videos site. I've found ways, and
spk_1: 29:22
I think
spk_0: 29:22
I've talked to you guys about like I found I've always found ways to turn these things that I would just do for fun, because I love him, you know. But I've been able to figure out ways to make money doing.
spk_1: 29:34
Isn't that the point?
spk_0: 29:35
And that's yes, that is, that is it. That's exactly the point.
spk_1: 29:39
Yeah, I'd
spk_0: 29:39
like to use this time to plug a podcast that me and two of my friends are starting called The Sweet life, which is about being content creators in turning that into, like, a viable
spk_1: 29:52
yeah. Career. Yeah, you know, because it can be told. Just like having your own YouTube channel is.
spk_0: 29:58
But you have to you have to Can I cuss on your?
spk_1: 30:01
Of course you have
spk_0: 30:02
to really fucking work.
spk_1: 30:03
Oh, yeah. You know, and you have to be willing
spk_0: 30:05
to do a full time job for free.
spk_1: 30:07
Yes, Ceiling. Definitely. Because even for our podcast coming up with the content doing research I mean, you really have to deal your research
spk_2: 30:18
topics. We're talking about
spk_1: 30:20
trying to find a picture. There's no hot. Still you don't find it. You can look for it later. Don't worry about it. Oh, honey. Um Eh. So you mentioned a little bit about playing music? Yes. Um, you were in a band.
spk_0: 30:37
I've been in a few
spk_1: 30:38
in a few. You want which fans of those? Frank? I
spk_0: 30:42
don't know. The only person that might have any kind of name would be a guy named Jesse Lawson. He was in a band called Sleeping With Sirens, which was, which is pretty big. Um, and I've known him. He grew up watching me playing church on. And so, um, when he decided to do his own thing, uh, he called me up to play bass and we ended up doing ah, couple records, uh, with a guy named Mike Herrera who's the lead singer and bass player for him? Ex PX
spk_2: 31:12
spk_0: 31:13
we're up at his studio in Bremerton. We did a couple rounds. I feel like the really solid records.
spk_1: 31:19
What does it feel like when you play with people like big name people? What does that feel like? I know for me when I just see them because I'm not musically inclined at all. But when I see them, like even just Frankie here in my house, it's fucking mind boggling. Thio. See, that's what I think. I mean, it's That feels pretty good, right? My heart is pounding right now. You come over here and, like, field, where is like for us. We're
spk_0: 31:43
like we're just normal to weigh. Just happened to play tunes. You know, it looks like we're just normal people, but it's like it's fans that make it, you know,
spk_1: 31:53
make it off.
spk_0: 31:53
So you know. But
spk_1: 31:55
I don't know. I think it
spk_0: 31:56
depends on who it is like Mike. I love my correra. Um, I'm not a punk rock guy, so I wasn't necessarily a big m XB X man. Um, but I mean, for him, he asked like he heard me play some injustice tunes. And he was like, Do I want you to play? I want you to lay down some based on one of my songs and I was like, Okay, you know, And so it's just like and I feel like and I don't know if Frankie would agree but the chance to play with not even, like, necessarily big names because you'll find people that are 1000 times better than some of the biggest names out there. They just never had that opportunity, of course, so to get the chance to play with in the most amazing musician I've ever played with as a lady named Patty McCoy. And she's a jazz piano player like pretty phenomenal, well known jazz piano player, and, uh, I never played jazz before, and so she put together this band, Um, Nick Garrett Powell was on guitar, and he plays in the Fred Drifters, a guy named Denny Karma's. He was on drums and he's played with heart. Um, Sammy Hagar. He played drums for Jimmy Page and David um Cloverdale. Cloverdale Page the bass player from deep purple lead singer from Deep Purple Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin. My friend Danny was on drums, you know, he was playing drum. Never ain't never played jazz before. Yeah, you know, And then the rest Everyone else was Patty's kids, and they're all virtue of cells. Um, but I always looked at things like that where I know I'm gonna be going into a situation where I might be the and I feel like I'm a pretty good musician, you know? And I'm going into the situation around like, Oh, my God, I feel like I'm five years old, you know? But it's those types of things where it's like either sink or swim because, you know, like, knowing who she is. She's got 10 dudes ready that she called her probably 1000 times better than me. But for some reason, she's asked me to do there. So it's like you either have to, like, step your game up. Just
spk_1: 34:15
a hang or
spk_0: 34:16
no, like you could easily be replaced, so I've always looked at opportunities like that, whether it's in music, whether it's in cutting hair, whether it's in working with people in the film business. Now, that might have more experience than me. Like those air. That's how you grow. You know, you have to be willing to, like, push yourself and maybe not feel as comfortable as you're used to. That's one like real growth.
spk_1: 34:38
Yeah, really happens. That's that's my word for the year. My intention. Word is grow. That's what I'm trying to focus on is getting myself out into those uncomfortable places. So then I can grow. And when I think you
spk_0: 34:52
like the way the one of the things that I've been saying recently is betting on yourself, yeah, especially in the world of creating content, you know, you know, whether it's podcasting, music blog's video stuff like
spk_2: 35:07
you just had to do it.
spk_0: 35:08
Sometimes you just have to do it and there might be there might be some risk out there. You have to take some risks, you know, But you have to bet on yourself every day. Yeah, and that's just wake up every day and, like, what can I do today to get to where I want to go tomorrow.
spk_1: 35:23
Exactly. Because your decisions really do define your tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, 100
spk_2: 35:28
percent. It's like this podcast man is like, how that podcast episode wasn't good. Let's not publishing. I'm like, No, it's publisher and see what happens. Wait A bunch of listeners on certain elements about
spk_0: 35:40
circle back thio, uh, being patient with podcast. Yeah, you know, it's like sponsors. It's like, Well, right now, you're not beholden to talk about anything,
spk_2: 35:51
spk_0: 35:52
You don't have to keep it to a certain
spk_2: 35:55
John run for matter, anything like that. But
spk_0: 35:57
you also have this time to be free to do how you want to do it and then like and then develop, develop your four man develop, how the show is going to be. So then it's like when it is time to, like, say, Hey, do you want to put your name on this like you guys, our It's already a well oiled
spk_2: 36:17
machine, and that's just going to I'm going,
spk_0: 36:20
and that's I think that's what I think by being being patient and like figuring out the what's the best idea. Yeah, because the best idea is the best idea until the next one, you know? Yeah. So it's like
spk_1: 36:37
and And you really want things to remain fun because when it stops being fun, then it's You don't want to do it anymore.
spk_0: 36:45
And I think to that's like kind of were like, where I'm at. And when I came in, I was like, You guys ever get in a position where it's like you have to decide between all these awesome opportunities and it's like, When's it not going to be fun anymore? And that's kind of like what I'm afraid of with all these things like, I can't do it all because then it's just gonna become too much of a grinder. Just work. And I love the grind.
spk_1: 37:10
spk_0: 37:11
know, I love I love, just like crunching away. I love just sitting in front of my computer, putting things together. You know what? I can go forever, but some points is going to be like
spk_1: 37:21
burnout done, because what
spk_0: 37:23
happens with Mieze? I'll go on, I'll go on. I'll go on. I'll go and then, for like four or five days, I'm just like
spk_1: 37:28
exactly it's so exhausting. So what do you do to take care of yourself. I
spk_0: 37:35
try to run. I'm really like my personal goal is Ah, I want to run a 50 k ultramarathon, which is 31 miles. Wow. Um, I have the race picked outs in December and I want to for me. I want to set a goal that I never go run that distance again And that's a pretty mule.
spk_1: 38:00
That's it. That's a
spk_0: 38:00
pretty big goal
spk_1: 38:02
running a mile. It's just challenging for me to think about, let alone 31 You know, when I ran the longest, like so So I've
spk_0: 38:11
done for the lioness. I've ran 1 10 k race, which is a little over six miles. And, uh, no, I'm like, Okay, let's do Let's do that five more times. Oh, and ah, but I wanted I wanted I wanted to set something up for myself where I would have to constantly trying to be making all of these minor goals to get to that big goal. Because that's something. Um, I feel like for me, that's just something that I need right now and something that I can focus on outside of work. But at the same time, it's enough of in my work world with trail running films like I'm trying to put together. Um, I want to I want to film it all. I want to document this process because, um, first follow. Just be fun. Second of all, I think I have some companies that are interested in coming on board. Yeah, um, but
spk_2: 39:12
And like, just document that accomplishment, man,
spk_1: 39:15
what you do,
spk_2: 39:16
that's in December.
spk_0: 39:17
Yeah. The race isn't being December
spk_2: 39:19
31 miles on a trail. From one point
spk_0: 39:22
to it would be a be a combination. It's one of the races that I actually was just at this race in December and filmed it. So it's a combination of some road trail. I don't think there's any beach on this one.
spk_2: 39:36
Yeah. Where's the dot
spk_0: 39:37
Deception pass up in Washington in the San Juans.
spk_2: 39:40
I'll go with you and do it. Yeah, Yeah, I'll do it on my bike. Actually,
spk_0: 39:45
I think you could I think I think there's I think I did see people riding bikes.
spk_2: 39:49
We get Lincoln Mount Lincoln Mount cameras to the bike. I ride along
spk_1: 39:54
film you. Have you seen any of my like? See, here's the funny
spk_0: 40:03
thing like these these these race videos that I get paid to. D'oh! I'm waiting on the race director to send me
spk_1: 40:08
voiceovers for all the races,
spk_0: 40:10
but the 1st 1 So the only one that's actually out there living in the world is the very first race. I shop for them back last April. Yeah, and so there's so there's seven more that are not finished
spk_2: 40:29
yet. Well, because I'm just was away on the voice was worried,
spk_0: 40:32
so I just I just filmed their 100 miler in February.
spk_1: 40:36
Wow. How long does it take to run? 31 miles. Ah, ledges on average.
spk_0: 40:43
Depends on the course and what the train is. My girlfriend just ran a 50 k last weekend, and she did it in eight hours and 15 minutes. But that was in the dunes. So she was running in the sand dunes,
spk_1: 40:54
which is pretty brutal. Yeah. Yeah. I couldn't even think about running a mile alone a mile and sand.
spk_0: 41:01
She's got 100 k coming up.
spk_1: 41:04
And how long does that take her, like, 16 hours, then?
spk_0: 41:07
Yeah, I think the cut off on that would be about 17 hours. And then after that, she's running a 50 mile
spk_2: 41:15
and imagine running for 16 hours, 17 hours straight.
spk_0: 41:19
I think I got her sold one run in that 100 that I was that in February upon that's on Orcas Island. And that's where actually this troops from that says, Oh, its magical. There's something. There's something about being, um, for me just being out on trails in the woods. Um, never done it before. And my first hike was that Mill Creek falls on and I was like, Oh, God, that was oppressive. Pretty easy. I am, Um, but I just remember, like, walking past these here rock walls like this beautiful moss and and then, uh, going up table rock for the first time. And then my buddy that ran that race that I filmed for the very first time took me a proxy for the first time. Um, and then the race that Iran was in Gold Beach and, uh, just like I don't know, there's something like when you're out on the trail and you just kind of like, slow down for a second and just put your hand out and, like, touch like the ferns or just touch some, like nature, like There's, like, a little magical, like little interaction that happens. And he's kind of ground yourself,
spk_2: 42:28
especially when it's poison oak No.
spk_1: 42:31
Three Let it be, man three. Let it be you don't go down that low. Kind of like, you know, make sure say first. Well,
spk_2: 42:39
I some people like that magical connection between poison, oak and skin, actually have you
spk_0: 42:45
Never. I have never had poison. It's
spk_1: 42:48
spk_2: 42:48
your lucky man. I went mountain biking, and
spk_1: 42:50
I don't know if I get it.
spk_2: 42:52
I got it.
spk_1: 42:54
Well, to go back with what you were saying. We have, like, the redwoods here. And there's, like, nothing more magical than being in the redwoods like big ass trees for
spk_2: 43:06
hundreds of years.
spk_1: 43:07
Oh, yeah,
spk_0: 43:08
yeah. They'll be here. They're here Way before us will be here long after. Just
spk_1: 43:12
the smell in itself is amazing. Yeah. Anybody listening, you should go travel to the redwoods.
spk_2: 43:20
Our neighbor um j told me that the trees in the back that air triple top now that we need to get cut our redwoods
spk_1: 43:29
are they?
spk_2: 43:30
Yeah, monster. Treese
spk_1: 43:33
Franki e think he wants you to take the donor way? I
spk_0: 43:39
didn't want to be rude. I don't
spk_1: 43:41
know. I neither do I, but I don't. I was like, Do I ask were kind of recording, Should I?
spk_2: 43:49
So, um, Adam? Yes, sir. Greatest accomplishment of your life.
spk_0: 43:54
Oh, God. It's a really big question, you know, even though I'm not involved with it anymore, Um, probably the salon that my ex and I own together for over 10 years. Um, we open the salon. And beginning of 2009 when the economy was pretty shitty and we took a big gamble in bed on ourselves, and she still has a really successful business, that's Austin. That's why I have my house that I have, Um but I think, Yeah, probably the salon, because I think that'll lost a long time. Yeah. Can only always be proud of that.
spk_2: 44:42
That's rad, man. What's on? Is it you want plug it?
spk_0: 44:44
Ah, yeah. Salon used downtown Medford. Nice on the main street market.
spk_1: 44:48
Nice. That's awesome. Yeah, we're looking at each other going. What do we talk about? Your questions I don't like. I like I'm sure I d'oh
spk_2: 44:59
of inappropriate questions.
spk_1: 45:02
Um oh, probably more of a more of an ass man. Frankie We'll give you an out. We'll have a Yeah, I never
spk_0: 45:19
answered these. I never answered the answer. These questions, on the other
spk_2: 45:24
hand, you have a question?
spk_1: 45:25
Yeah. Where do you go to touch your ass is then
spk_0: 45:28
where do I go to touch Butts? Um, well, before all the Corona virus, I would not That I do go out in public touch, but disclaimer. I
spk_1: 45:38
do think Costco's probably the baby. That was my That was my answer. That's the
spk_0: 45:43
most popular answer. Costume.
spk_2: 45:45
Mine is like concerts. You like that? Is that why you always take me to concert?
spk_1: 45:51
I don't know.
spk_0: 45:53
Why do you always take me to Costco?
spk_1: 45:56
I shop
spk_2: 45:59
that I said, Well, if you want my legitimate answer, my legitimate answers are bad. Touch your butt.
spk_1: 46:10
Um What? So that's the hot husband. And it is my cup. Says it'll. Even my husband. My husband is harder than my coffee.
spk_2: 46:21
My my coffee cup says queen
spk_1: 46:27
relation. I was
spk_0: 46:32
when I was at the salon. They called me Princess.
spk_2: 46:34
Did they
spk_0: 46:35
know I was the only guy? But I was also probably the biggest diva
spk_1: 46:37
I think of that. But May is the same way May is the little diva himself to. So since you're in the music world s so much anymore well, it does it play a big part of your life. Still, I
spk_0: 46:53
still tell people, like before I'm anything else. Like musicians.
spk_1: 46:58
Yeah. So what would you like to see here in southern Oregon? We need a real We
spk_0: 47:02
need a real venue. I way need a We need a riel. We need a real venue. And we need We need something that that will stay. And that will last. Um, because I feel like there's with the exception of, like, Brett, um, the criterion. Sometimes road theater and grants pass sometimes the expo. Sometimes there's not a There's not even like a real permanent small venue, let alone like a medium size that I feel like we're missing out on a lot of opportunities because there's there's
spk_1: 47:46
we have five going through.
spk_0: 47:48
There's high kind of mid tier, lower top tier bands that would probably stop here just to make a little bit of extra money on the route. On an off night in a small market, I would pick him up pretty pretty cheap just to sell some merch and make some scratch. You know, I've always I've always wished if I had the means, um, I would love to be able to, like by a whole neighborhood and just renovated on Put in Cool things, you know, and I feel like that. What is what Medford in general, Um, I would like to just see a little bit more modernization downtown, but I feel like you have to. That starts with leadership in the city level when I still feel like there's a little bit more of the old boys, good old boys club mentality, and what happens is you have. And there's some people like Clay who's owns a dispensary in a bar. He's on City Council now, and that's I feel like I was a great step, Um, but it's like you have to have people that I feel like in touch with the pulse on. I feel like there's a lack of that in the city.
spk_2: 49:05
Yeah, that's, um, progressiveness.
spk_1: 49:08
Yeah, we're hoping we're hoping to see a little bit of that a little bit of that, too, And, um, I, you know,
spk_0: 49:14
like Howie's, I feel like Howie's before they I don't know if they sold or someone just came in is taking over but another close toe like renovate. Um, I thought there's that small little venue that they had was pretty rad.
spk_1: 49:28
spk_0: 49:28
Yeah, I thought it was great. And they were able to bring in some random people you'd never imagine. Yeah, like, end of the like, one of the pop dudes from back in the day, like Nick Carter or something was there.
spk_1: 49:42
Yeah, I heard that show was actually really good. I
spk_0: 49:46
heard you put on a great show. You know it and then, uh, a cow gas from tenacious d Love Playing there came with multiple times, you know? So it's like, there's there's definitely there's definitely a need
spk_1: 50:01
for it there. And
spk_0: 50:02
I feel like it would be like you bring in the right People in Nikko bring in people from all types of genres, you know, and just have a place where it's a music venue, you know? And I feel like I feel like there would be such a you could draw. And, you know, people would come to shows from Klamath Falls from Northern California, from Roseburg from the coast, you know, like you get you get big enough. Accident. Not even like I'm not talking like big, huge names, you know, But get some bands that people are actually listening to. Yes, you know, people will
spk_1: 50:33
show up. If you build it, they will
spk_2: 50:35
come 100%. I think I think that, you know, you mentioned, like the City Council and updating the people in their thio people that feel their polls, people that are a little bit more progressive. I think a lot of that also has to like the culture of Medford. I remember the culture of Mefford 20 years ago was much different than it is now.
spk_1: 50:54
Also was saying that people also have to get out there and vote at a city council level and at a at a local level two for that, then, Yeah, that's the stuff. So I mean, it does play a role. Our votes do matter in some aspect. And maybe that's where we start is more on a local level than national.
spk_0: 51:13
I'm gonna leave you. So think about, um, votes matter and not voting. I think matters as well. Like for me, with the last presidential election, like like there's not a in my mind. There was not a viable option for president. So I'm like, fuck it. I'm not gonna vote for the bread for president until I feel like there's someone that I feel is worthy of my vote. And I feel like, you know, in some weird way, like, if you want to actually, like, make a change you, like, maybe hold your vote until you feel like there's somebody worth voting for happens?
spk_1: 51:50
Yeah, instead of maybe just writing in like Ronald McDonald or making a mouse like that shit like, Come on, just don't even fucking waste your time.
spk_2: 51:58
Um, you know, see, Marley has a really rad song called Revolution Rises.
spk_1: 52:04
Oh, yeah,
spk_2: 52:05
Revolution rises, you know, inside that we cooled like to see, like a revolution and the United States to brings back there smiling.
spk_1: 52:11
Yeah, it's like
spk_0: 52:14
I just think Why? Why? Like when? When people are like, Oh, I just voted for what I thought was the lesser of two evils. Like you're saying the lesser of two evils? Well, they're both evil. Don't vote for
spk_1: 52:28
either one of
spk_0: 52:28
them. You know,
spk_1: 52:29
I've been guilty of saying that your perspective gives me a different, but
spk_0: 52:34
we've also kind of been put into a place where that's
spk_1: 52:37
kind of what we have to do, right? 00 every vote counts.
spk_0: 52:40
So you better pick that. Everything is the best option. It's like, what if
spk_1: 52:43
I think they're not any of them? Very true. You know, I really respect to you saying that because maybe that is the case for other people. They're just too afraid to say it. And then here we are. Way are you don't
spk_0: 52:58
see that is that is the things people are afraid to say. Like, Well, I didn't vote.
spk_1: 53:02
Yeah. Why the fuck didn't you vote doldrum collect it? Yeah,
spk_0: 53:07
well, for me and Mike, I didn't like him. I didn't like her.
spk_1: 53:10
And I'm not liking the way you're treating me right now. I
spk_0: 53:16
don't even think I voted for the libertarian candidate and I'm a registered libertarian, You know, basically my views like don't fuck with me. I'm not gonna fuck with you.
spk_1: 53:24
True. Treat everybody like you want to be hurt
spk_0: 53:27
yourself. Don't hurt anyone else.
spk_1: 53:28
Be a nice human.
spk_0: 53:29
Yeah, yeah, Exactly. Don't be a dick.
spk_2: 53:31
I just don't think you're
spk_1: 53:33
right. I think people have lost that.
spk_2: 53:35
Bring back the love back to community
spk_1: 53:39
music, playing back the music. And I don't care who you want to sleep with. I don't care if you want to identify as a dog like don't be a dick will be fine. Yes, Frankie. All right.
spk_2: 53:53
You have any final thoughts, Adam?
spk_0: 53:57
Keep doing. You guys are doing thanks. I think you guys were doing You guys are doing something really cool. Awesome. You know? And then we appreciate coming from, you know, the podcast I do with trav
spk_1: 54:07
coffee. And I've been trying to say, like, other podcasts way
spk_0: 54:16
what we actually know eyes gonna promote the website. Wait. Go on to the coffee and bullshit website. Check it out. That actually have my own page on their The producer, Adam Page talks a little bit more about what I d'oh for sure from, um but no. Keep doing. You guys are doing and keep bringing on guests like the sheriff. Like when I when I saw that that was that was one of those in years will find this when you have moments that, like all your hard work, all the sweat, the blood, the tears, the arguments. You know, all that stuff will be validated. And I feel like from what I just seeing that you guys had the sheriff on that should be a little bit of validation Where you guys
spk_1: 55:02
spk_0: 55:03
you know, and keep this keep, keep pushing and keep being consistent. And you guys are very consistent with this. That's like, that's the biggest key. It's like consistency is gonna be the biggest factor in the growth.
spk_2: 55:18
Just I mean, we could
spk_0: 55:19
just get better out of time.
spk_1: 55:20
Yeah, I feel like we we get better every time. Um and we learned something, and we and we we switch it up a little bit too. What were you gonna say, baby?
spk_2: 55:30
Doesn't say. That's why we're, like, recording a bunch. You know, it's that way we can maintain consistencies that way. Like if something comes up for sick of we go out of town. Wait. Just have
spk_0: 55:40
all these things in the barrel that you can put.
spk_2: 55:42
I don't
spk_0: 55:43
know. That's what That's what we We have three. We're doing three podcast tomorrow. Wow, Esso, That'll put us four weeks ahead.
spk_1: 55:50
Nice. Did you just remember that sometimes
spk_0: 55:59
it usually ends up happening like in the middle of the night. Saturday toe uploaded 19 months. There's been plenty of times where I'm like, because I get so tied up with, like, you know, and it's it's hard because it's like I have paid gigs that need to get done, you know? And so sometimes, like the podcast editing kind of gets put to the shelf until all that stuff's done. So sometimes I don't mean I get I go to bed at, like, 2 a.m. on a Saturday night Sunday morning, and I'm a bit like 5 a.m. to get the rest of the podcast edited, uploaded before nine when a post. So it's like, yeah, time crunch. But I mean, we're at a point to where it's like we have a potential financial sponsor to are actually get paid,
spk_2: 56:46
and I saw
spk_0: 56:47
every episode to do it well, and I never I never signed up to do his podcast to make money on it. Um, but even just doing that, like my buddy Jared, uh, he saw me editing an episode, and he's like, I got the perfect thing. I want you to read it for me. And so now that has turned into, like doing stuff for big hospitals here. No helicopter companies and stuff
spk_2: 57:15
so amazing.
spk_1: 57:17
So it's while cited for you. Sometimes it's always
spk_0: 57:21
good, I think, to like my last thought. Don't ever hesitate to take a step back and look at the path that you've been on. Bond Connect the dots because I could go all the way back to the moment I decided to not go back to Bible College. Go on playing a rock'n'roll band that got me interested in doing hair, which, when I met my future wife first thing we talked about how we both wanted to go to beauty school. Good to be a school graduate two years after that, you know, we went right into reading stations two years after that, going to owning your own place. Um, and then I ended up getting asked, Oh, record a bunch of songs for a worship song writer, which ended up going into touring across the country. Well, come back playing music, cutting hair tendonitis and my hands shoulders. I took a year off from doing both. Really Don't play music anymore because of it, Um let me to weight loss surgery, which led me to making videos which led me to getting paid to make videos for other people.
spk_2: 58:42
So busy
spk_0: 58:43
she can kind of like those thoughts and and always kind of it's kind of a way to keep you kind of humble. Um, but then tow, also be like, Fuck, yeah, yeah. Look at the fucking journey I've been on. It's all kind of goes back to freaking 22 years ago when I was 18.
spk_2: 59:07
So cool. No, I You know, I love when people ask you that question. If you could change one thing in your life, what would you change? My answer is always nothing knows if I change something, I wouldn't be here where I'm at today.
spk_0: 59:18
Yeah, If I wouldn't have if I wouldn't have decided. I want to play rock and roll instead of sticking Bible college. I'd be a pastor of a church teaching bible at a school. You know,
spk_1: 59:29
I could not see that, you
spk_0: 59:31
know, I was I was 100% that kid.
spk_1: 59:33
Wow, that's crazy.
spk_0: 59:35
Like in high school, like youth group, like, I was always the one that would teach as like a student like I get for the whole church. Get, like, whole message. That's where I learned how to play music, too.
spk_1: 59:47
That's awesome. That's where a lot of people start. A lot of elementary school if they still have music programs.
spk_0: 59:54
This great started playing trumpets, and that's kind of where it started.
spk_1: 59:57
Yeah, from the rock on,
spk_2: 1:0:03
Baby Final thoughts
spk_1: 1:0:05
I just want to see Thank you. I'm I felt really truly honored. Thio have you in our lives. I feel like come in our lives, um, for a reason and for a purpose. And, um, I really like what you just had to say about reevaluating. It's important. I think I needed to hear that a little bit today. Well, and then to
spk_0: 1:0:27
like, there's gonna be you guys will get signs of validation. And I think having a guest like the sheriff on Was it pretty big validation
spk_2: 1:0:36
Dublin and Frankie Hernandez and Adam Boyd. I'm nobody. He's somebody here. Somebody, man.
spk_1: 1:0:43
Not anymore. All right. And I want I just want to say
spk_0: 1:0:47
no, you guys, you guys, you guys are great. Um, it's been it's been cool to watch you guys like grow this thing on and and really, it's just it's doing it on its own. You guys aren't forcing anything, and you guys are just letting it all kind of happen. And that's when it's that's when it's real, you know? And and I think you guys like like my birthday party. That was really like a collection of all like my creative friends, you know, because I wanted everyone to be ableto like talk, going like, yeah, like, share ideas like you like, Oh, this is what their podcast set up looks like, You know, It's like you guys are learning from stuff like that. That's the only way to learn. You know, I didn't go to college. I went to college to cut hair. I didn't go to college to learn how to make films, you know. But
spk_1: 1:1:37
that's the reason why I went on Travis's podcasters because originally we wanted to do one, and we were like, What does it take? What is that on him?
spk_0: 1:1:44
And I almost every episode of like,
spk_1: 1:1:46
Oh man, you should start a podcast Ever guessed you You should have your own pocket, I hope. But it's what I think, too,
spk_0: 1:1:53
like for me, like I love seeing my friends do the things that
spk_1: 1:2:00
they loved to do, because that's what I've always
spk_0: 1:2:02
done. You know, when I found ways to make it work and that's that's really like That is the blessed life that is the sweet life, you know, when you when you when you can wake up every day and maybe sometimes the day is gonna be a grind and it's gonna be hard and you're gonna have to work hard. But when you're working on making something, whether it's a podcast, whether it's a song, whether it's a video life is better when you're making stuff. Yeah, because when you're done when you're done and you hit upload on this podcast whenever couplets there is a feeling of Baby is
spk_1: 1:2:40
entering the world feels so good every time I have
spk_0: 1:2:44
published it on one of my vlogs. I'm like,
spk_1: 1:2:49
I'm proud that you like. I just released a
spk_0: 1:2:52
film that I shot over a year ago, and it was about some friends of mine that had spent two years recording 30 songs, and they asked me to come into the studio for the last five days, and I basically embedded myself in the studio with them. And I mean, like a 22 minute documentary I've been like, I think, sat for a year. Wow. And then I finally was like I'm finishing this thing and so like finishing it, putting it all together. And then yesterday, hitting published some, like I am done with it and now it is ready to be seen as a huge compliment. That's the payoff.
spk_1: 1:3:30
Where can people go see that?
spk_0: 1:3:32
Uh oh my you too gentle there and back films just I just linked. I just put up a trailer on my instagram and then on my Facebook as well.
spk_1: 1:3:41
Everybody go check Adam out. He posts them really cool videos. So scribe, subscribe to his channel and check his scribe. Check his podcast out. When it comes out, we'll post a link. Hopefully, we'll
spk_0: 1:3:55
we'll we'll have you up. We'll have you guys. It's actually called the Sweet Life collective, So we wanted to be
spk_2: 1:4:03
all the corners collecting together. We're coming
spk_0: 1:4:06
on and having just opened discussions, talking about you know what's what's the hardest part? What is what are some of the pitfalls video.
spk_1: 1:4:15
I what I need
spk_0: 1:4:18
to do is have you bring that over to my house and then just you sit next to me.
spk_2: 1:4:23
Yeah, and
spk_0: 1:4:23
we just go through it. Sorry. Right? Yeah, we'll do that.
spk_2: 1:4:26
Okay. Thank you, sir, for being here.
spk_0: 1:4:28
Thank you, guys.
spk_1: 1:4:29
And I hope everybody really enjoyed this episode. I know. I learned a lot about you, and I learned what was the safe word pump Problem is learned what that was. And so Yeah, ee, Yeah. So I hope everybody learned something, and I hope you guys subscribe to our podcast.