The Blessed Life Podcast
The Blessed Life Podcast
Episode Twenty-Four: Why Have We Been so Silent
Holy Cow. It has been a little bit since we have recorded and published a podcast. Our sincerest apologies. We needed to find our COVID Balance and adjust to a new way of life.
Since we have been on our hiatus, Amanda has completed real estate school and is awaiting her test date to arrive. Huge congratulations for your resilience and dedication to completing this huge endeavor Amanda! Nathan has been cycling a lot and working from home. And, we have been working diligently to find balance with work/school/home life all being combined... which means additional focus on our kiddos.
Hey, what about Travis Hinman and Party Garage? Party Garage is an awesome endeavor that Travis has taken on where he DJs from his garage LIVE on FaceBook and works to raise money for non-profit organizations that are in need. He is killing it so go check him out!
Want to know what else we have been up to or where the podcase is going next... Well go listen to it and have a Blessed Day!